This is not an official version.


  March 3, 2016 to May 11, 2017


Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway
Provincial Park Proclamation

under the
Provincial Parks Act
(O.C. 97-228)

Amended by:

2001 c42 s45


Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway
Provincial Park Proclamation

under the
Provincial Parks Act
(O.C. 97-228)

93/97; 2001 c42 s45

(Filed July 14, 1997)

Under the authority of section 4 of the Provincial Parks Act , the Lieutenant-Governor in Council proclaims the area referred to in the Schedule to be a provincial park.

Dated at St. Johns , May 2, 1997 .

John Cummings
Deputy Clerk of the Executive Council (Acting)

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The lands include abandoned rights-of-way and yard plans more properly described and delineated at the Registry of Crown Grants in Special Plans 17 to 20, 22, 23, 25 to 28, 34 to 40, 42 to 61 and 65.

93/97 Sch

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcels of land:

1.   Ocean Pond Parcel

All that piece or parcel of land situated and being along the northern shore of Ocean Pond , along the south side of the former Canadian National Railway, 60.96 metres wide, at Ocean Pond, in the Electoral District of Harbour Main-Whitbourne, Newfoundland and Labrador , abutted and bounded as follows:

Starting at a point located along the south side of the previously mentioned former Canadian National Railway, 60.96 metres wide, that point having NAD 83 co-ordinates of north 5,253,877.532 metres, east 272,791.958 metres on the modified transverse mercator projection for the province, central meridian 53 ° west longitude;

Then running along the south side of the previously mentioned former Canadian National railway, 60.96 metres wide, south 81 ° 44' 29" west a distance of 18.146 metres;

Then running by land now occupied by Ken Meadus, formerly the Canadian National Railway reservation north 5 ° 12' 27" west a distance of 21.698 metres;

Then running by land formerly the Canadian National Railway reservation north 82 ° 30' 32" east a distance of 17.876 metres;

Then running by land now occupied by Robert and Diane Bishop formerly the Canadian National Railway reservation south 5 ° 53' 53" east a distance of 21.446 metres more or less to the point of beginning.

The above described piece or parcel of land containing in all an area of 388.19 square metres more or less.

All bearings refer to the meridian of 53 ° west longitude of the modified three degree transverse mercator grid projection, NAD – 83, all distances being metric horizontal ground.

2.  Ocean Pond Parcel (No. 2)

Also, all that piece or parcel of land being a portion of the former Canadian National Railway mainline right of way as shown on Special Plan No. 22 in the Registry of Crown Titles, situated and being at Ocean Pond in the Electoral District of Harbour Main-Whitbourne;

More particularly described as a strip of land 22.86 metres wide running parallel to and being perpendicularly distant 7.62 metres on each side of the centreline of the railway right of way;

Commencing at a point on the centreline at the mile 48 marker;

Then running along the centreline in a generally northwesterly and a westerly direction to another point on the centreline at the mile 50 marker as shown on Special Plan No. 22.

3.   Bishop's Falls Parcel

Also, all that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Bishop's Falls, in the Electoral District of Exploits, abutted and bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point, that point being distant 386.64 metres as measured on a bearing of north 25º 28' 34" east from Control Station 76G2194;

Then along Crown Land applied for by the Town of Bishop 's Falls (App. No. C-113115), north 62º 3' 8" east for 534.46 metres;

Then along Crown Land applied for by Parks & Natural Areas Division (Dept. of Tourism, Culture & Recreation - App. No. C-113478), south 10º 42' west for 19.21 metres;

Then along Crown Land applied for by the Town of Bishop 's Falls (App. No. C-113115), south 62º 3' 8" west for 505.89 metres;

Then along Crown Land applied for by Parks & Natural Areas Division (Dept. of Tourism, Culture & Recreation - App. No. C-113478), north 75º 48' west for 22.36 metres to the point of commencement.

Containing in all an area of 0.780 hectares.

The above described parcel of land being subject to a 5.5 metres wide utility easement extending through the land as shown on a plan available for viewing at the Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation.

All bearings refer to the Meridian of 56º west Longitude in the 3º Modified Transverse Mercator Projection (Zone 2 - NAD83).

4.   Paradise Parcel

Also, all that piece or parcel of land situated and being on the northwest side of the Trans Canada Highway , in the Town of Paradise, Newfoundland and Labrador , bounded and abutted as follows:

Commencing at a point having T.M. Co-ordinates (NAD 83) of north 5,265,763.416 metres and east 317,117.715 metres with reference to Monument No. 80G2177 with co-ordinates of north 5,265,505.330 metres and east 317,858.352 metres and Monument No. 80G2178 with co-ordinates of north 5,265,901.667 metres and east 317,272.900 metres;

Then running along the northwestern limits of the Trans Canada Highway south 20° 34' 22" west for 8.253 metres;

Then turning and running by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador north 65° 46' 48" west for 8.076 metres;

Then south 49° 05' 13" west for 13.064 metres;

Then turning and running by land of Chester Dawe Limited north 45° 43' 45" west for 73.356 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a chord bearing and distance of north 56° 01' 12" west for 109.407 metres, and a radius of 306.215 metres;

Then turning and running by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (Abandoned Railway) north 23° 36' 32" east for 22.860 metres;

Then turning and running by land of Chester Dawe Limited along the arc of a curve having a chord bearing and distance of south 56° 01' 22" east 117.606 metres and a radius of 329.075 metres;

Then south 45° 43' 45" east 63.322 metres, more or less, to the point of commencement;

Containing in all an area of 0.402 hectares.

All bearings refer to grid north.

5.   Howley Parcel - [Rep. by 17/11 s1]

6.   Terra Nova Parcel - [Rep. by 17/11 s1]

7.   Badger Parcel - [Rep. by 17/11 s1]

The area described in this Schedule is increased by adding the following parcels of land:

1.   Bishop's Falls Parcel (No. 2)

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Bishop's Falls, in the Electoral District of Exploits, abutted and bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point which measures 218.52 metres on a bearing of north 28º 18' 1" west from Control Station 76G2194;

Then along Main Street, north 36º 36' west for 14.75 metres;

Then along Crown Land , north 62º 33' east for 314.07 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), south 75º 48' east for 42.44 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), south 71º 47' east for 41.82 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), south 65º 31' east for 51.6 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 65º 54' east for 66.17 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 21º 45' west for 12.2 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 35º 39' east for 82.61 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 57º 37' 40" east for 108.96 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 53º 6' east for 124.99 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 60º 40' east for 48.28 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 10º 42' east for 33.42 metres;

Then along property of Lorenzo Burt, north 63º 15' east for 53.62 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 67º 50' east for 23.33 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115) and Crown Land , north 60º 49' 30" east for 182.16 metres;

Then along Crown Land , north 33º 46' 10" east for 125.11 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 139.595 metres (Crown Land ), to a point which bears north 50º 17' 15" east for a straight line distance of 79.38 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 139.595 metres (Crown Land ), to a point which bears north 83º 19' 22" east for a straight line distance of 79.38 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 139.595 metres (Crown Land ), to a point which bears south 63º 38' 30" east for a straight line distance of 79.38 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 139.595 metres (Crown Land ), to a point which bears south 30º 36' 20" east for a straight line distance of 79.37 metres;

Then along Crown Land , south 14º 5' east for 20 metres;

Then along the shoreline of the Exploits River , south 75º 55' west for 15 metres;

Then along Crown Land , north 14º 5' west for 20 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 124.595 metres (Crown Land ), to a point which bears north 30º 36' 20" west for a straight line distance of 70.85 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 124.595 metres (Crown Land ), to a point which bears north 63º 38' 30" west for a straight line distance of 70.85 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 124.595 metres (Crown Land ), to a point which bears south 83º 19' 22" west for a straight line distance of 70.85 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 124.595 metres (Crown Land ), to a point which bears south 50º 17' 15" west for a straight line distance of 70.85 metres;

Then along Crown Land and Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), south 33º 46' 10" west for 126.79 metres;

Then along property of Elsie Hutchings, south 64º 25' west for 15.53 metres;

Then along property of Elsie Hutchings and property of Harold Penton, south 61º 22' west for 48.16 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), south 59º 42' 28" west for 122.79 metres;

Then along property of Edward Mills, south 67º 50' west for 23.59 metres;

Then along property of Edward Mills and property of Inez Antle, south 63º 15' west for 50.28 metres;

Then along property of Inez Antle, south 10º 42' west for 33.16 metres;

Then along River bank, south 60º 40' west for 51.58 metres;

Then along River bank, south 53º 6' west for 124.57 metres;

Then along River bank, south 57º 37' 40" west for 115.3 metres;

Then along the shoreline of the Exploits River , south 36º 5' west for 54.48 metres;

Then along River bank, to a point which bears south 11º west for a straight line distance of 31.85 metres;

Then along the shoreline of the Exploits River , south 65º 54' west for 75.69 metres;

Then along River bank, north 65º 31' west for 57.55 metres;

Then along River bank, north 71º 47' west for 40.47 metres;

Then along River bank and Crown Land , north 75º 48' west for 36.86 metres;

Then along Crown Land, property of Exploits Manor and Crown Land, south 62º 33' west for 305.54 metres to point of commencement.

Containing in all an area of 2.389 hectares.

The above described parcel of land being subject to utility easements (5.5 metres wide) extending through the land as shown on a plan available for viewing at the Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation.

All bearings refer to grid north (Zone 2 - NAD8).

2.   Paradise Parcel (No. 2)

Also that piece or parcel of land situate and being on the northwest side of the Trans Canada Highway , in the Town of Paradise, Newfoundland and Labrador bounded and abutted as follows:

Commencing at a point having T.M. Grid Co-ordinates (NAD 83) of north 5,265,683.665 metres and east 317,147.782 metres with reference to Monument No. 80G2177 with co-ordinates of north 5,265,505.330 metres and east 317,858.352 metres and Monument No. 80G2178 with co-ordinates of north 5,265,901.667 metres and east 317,272.900 metres;

Then running along the northeastern limits of a brook south 88° 32' 0" west for 9.539 metres;

Then north 44° 01' 57" west for 7.566 metres;

Then north 41° 29' 58" west for 10.898 metres;

Then north 19° 46' 11" west for 35.764 metres;

Then north 75° 4' 05" west for 24.362 metres;

Then north 50° 28' 37" west for 17.560 metres;

Then north 68° 51' 24" west for 56.109 metres;

Then north 86° 59' 41" west for 9.250 metres;

Then north 48° 50' 34" west for 14.420 metres;

Then north 36° 24' 32" west for 9.104 metres;

Then turning and running by land of Principal Holdings Limited north 21° 59' 0" east for 71.957 metres;

Then turning and running by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (Abandoned Railway) along the arc of a curve having a chord bearing and distance of south 66° 19' 35" east 0.702 metres and a radius of 306.215 metres;

Then turning and running by land of Chester Dawe Limited south 05° 37' 41" west for 26.046 metres;

Then south 03° 19' 47" west for 26.946 metres;

Then south 36° 49' 10" east for 19.102 metres;

Then south 64° 03' 55" east for 117.234 metres;

Then north 49° 05' 13" east for 26.166 metres;

Then turning and running by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (Abandoned Railway) south 45° 43' 45" east for 14.074 metres;

Then turning and running along the northwestern limits of the Trans Canada Highway south 20° 34' 22" west for 60.218 metres, more or less, to the point of commencement;

Containing in all an area of 0.481 hectares.

All bearings refer to grid north.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcels of land:

1.   Tipple property

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Pasadena in the Electoral District of Humber East, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , abutted and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being the southeasterly angle of a Crown Grant to David Tapp and registered in Volume 206, Folio 136 at the Registry of Crown Grants and is distant 838.7 metres as measured on a bearing of north 32 ° 33' 18" west from Control Monument No. 87G2370;

Then running by land of David Tapp north 33 ° 47' west 5.24 metres;

Then running by the southerly boundary of Lease No. 120050 to Sadie Tipple along a curve to the right having a radius of 792.32 metres to a point on the curve bearing north 60 ° 33' 50" east 102.358 metres from the preceding point;

Then running by T'Railway Provincial Park south 42 ° 57' 59" west 14.65 metres;

Then running by the T'Railway Provincial Park along a curve to the left having a radius of 787.08 metres south 60 ° 02' 45" west 88 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning containing an area of 500.42 square metres, more or less.

All bearings being referred to 3 ° Grid North NAD 1983 as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58 ° 30' west longitude.

2.   Anderson property

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Barretts Road , City of Corner Brook , Electoral District of Day of Islands, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , abutted and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point in the northern limit of the T'Railway Provincial Park, 15.24 metres wide, that point being distant 533.962 metres as measured on a bearing of south 72 ° 04' 14" east from Control Survey Monument No. 94G5036;

Then by the T'Railway Provincial Park south 77 ° 05' 20" east 8.547 metres;

Then north 6 ° 51' 40" east 0.9 metres;

Then by land of Ralph Anderson north 83 ° 08' west 8.499 metres to the point of beginning containing an area of 3.8 square metres;

Bearings are referred to the meridian of 58 ° 30' west longitude of the 3 ° Transverse Mercator Projection NAD 83 Datum.

3.   Peters and Young property

All that piece or parcel of land lying northwest of an access road between Steady Brook and Humber Village , in the Community of Little Rapids in the Electoral District of Humber East, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , being further bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being found by running from Monument No. 87G2375, south 18 ° 50' 02" west 694.858 metres;

Then running from the above described point of beginning by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, south 56 ° 53' 50" west 48 metres and north 33 ° 07' 20" west 9 metres;

Then running by land granted to Michael Basha, Vol. 108 Fol. 438, north 56 ° 53' 50" east 48 metres;

Then running by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, south 33 ° 07' 20" east 9 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

The described parcel of land contains an area of 432 square metres, more or less and is more particularly shown on Schedule B attached (attached to the surveyor's documents) ;

All bearings refer to 3 ° Grid North NAD 1983 as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58 ° 30' west longitude.

4.  Little Harbour property - parcel 1

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being located at Little Harbour, in the Electoral District of Humber Valley, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, being further bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being the northerly angle of the described lot and having co-ordinates of north 5,442,235.256 and east 376,690.675;

Then running from the described point of beginning by the Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway Provincial Park, 30.48 metres wide, south 0 ° 58' 07" east 35.351 metres;

Then running by land granted by the Crown to Bishop OReilly General Assembly of the Knights of Columbus, and registered under Vol. 166-Fol. 32 in the Registry of Crown Grants, south 58 ° 35' 53" west 1,018.353 metres to a point, and along a curve of radius 719.440 metres, in a counterclockwise direction, to a point being distant 34.068 metres, as measured on a bearing of south 57 ° 14' 23" west from the last mentioned point;

Then running by the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, 30.48 metres wide, along a curve of radius 105.000 metres, in a counterclockwise direction, to a point being distant 79.234 metres, as measured on a bearing of south 75 ° 37' 26" west from the last mentioned point;

Then running by land of the Columbus Club of Corner Brook, L.S. 1031, along a curve of radius 749.920 metres, in a clockwise direction, to a point being distant 110.116 metres, as measured on a bearing of north 54 ° 23' 10" east from the last mentioned point;

Then continuing by said land of the Columbus Club of Corner Brook, north 58 ° 35' 53" east 1,036.260 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning containing an area of 3.314 hectare more or less;

All bearings refer to 3 ° Grid North NAD 1983 as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58 ° 30' west longitude.

5.   Little Harbour property - parcel 2

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being located at Little Harbour, in the Electoral District of Humber Valley, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, being further bounded and described as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a point, that point being the northerly angle of the described lot, and having co-ordinates of north 5,442,343.817 and east 376,868.979;

Then running from the above described point of beginning by land granted by the Crown to Nathan Rubia and registered under Vol. 164 - Fol.54 in the Registry of Crown Grants, and by a Right of Way 15.24 metres wide, south 58 ° 39' 53" west 208.753 metres;

Then running by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, south 0 ° 58' 07" east 35.351 metres;

Then running by Crown Land, north 58 ° 39' 53" east 226.624 metres;

Then running by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, T'Railway, north 31 ° 20' 07" west 30.48 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

Containing an area of 0.663 hectare, more or less;

All bearings refer to 3 ° Grid North NAD 1983 as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58 ° 30' west longitude.

6.   Marine Institute property

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being on the west side of Holyrood Harbour, in the Town of Holyrood, in the electoral district of Harbour Main, Whitbourne, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, being bounded and abutted as follows:

Beginning at a point that point having coordinates of north 5,250,066.206 metres, and east 294,475.456 metres;

Then extending along a 10 metre wide reservation along the waters of Holyrood Harbour, south 74 ° 55' 33" east 24.502 metres;

Then north 82 ° 44' 07" east 3.306 metres;

Then running by Crown Land, along the arc of a curve having an arc of 133 metres and a radius of 157.651 metres chord bearing and distance of south 18 ° 54' 28" east 129.09 metres;

Then south 1 ° 49' 34" west, 42.342 metres;

Then by lands of Seaxx Inc, roll 1299, frame 193, south 18 ° 9' 30" west, 9.776 metres;

Then extending across a 10 metre reservation along the high water mark of Holyrood Harbour and Crown Land , north 68 ° 40' 34" west, 15.304 metres;

Then extending along Crown Land , north 14 ° 07' 21" east, 13.840 metres;

Then 73.772 metres along the arc of a curve having a radius of 118.853 metres and a chord bearing, and distance of north 0 ° , 20', 30" west, 72.593 metres;

Then north 10 ° 51' 0" west, 22.753 metres;

Then north 36 ° 33' 53" west, 81.88 metres, to the principal point of beginning;

The above described parcel contains in all an area of 2744 square metres and is more particularly shown on the attached plan (attached to the surveyor's documents).

The above described piece or parcel of land being subject to a sewer line easement 3 metres wide.

All bearings being referred to Grid North NAD 83.

The area described in this Schedule is increased by adding the following parcels of land:

1.   Little Harbour property - parcel 1

All that piece or parcel of land lying northwest of the Trans Canada Highway at Little Harbour, in the Electoral District of Humber Valley, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , being further bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point on the southwest limit of a Road Reserve 15 metres wide, that point being found by running from Monument No. 87G2366, south 38 ° 24' 41" east 306.25 metres;

Then from the above described point of beginning by the southerly limit of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, south 58 ° 35' 53" west 49.936 metres;

Then running by Crown Land , south 42 ° 15' 53" west 214.923 metres;

Then running by land granted by the Crown to Bishop O'Reilly General Assembly of the Knights of Columbus, and registered under Vol. 166 - Fol. 32 in the Registry of Crown Grants, south 0 ° 58' 07" east 43.797 metres;

Then running by Crown Land, north 42 ° 15' 53" east 292.006 metres;

Then running by the southwest limit of the Road Reserve 15 metres wide, north 37 ° 58' 05" west 16.191 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning containing an area of 0.801 hectare, more or less;

All bearings refer to 3 ° Grid North NAD 1983 as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58 ° 30' west longitude.

2.   Little Harbour property - parcel 2

All that piece or parcel of land lying north of the Trans Canada Highway , at Little Harbour, in the Electoral District of Humber Valley, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , being further bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being found by running from Monument No. 87G2366, south 0 ° 25' 06" east 425.05 metres;

Then running from the above described point of beginning by Crown Land, south 0 ° 58' 07" east 43.797 metres;

Then running by Crown Land, by land of Lakeside Investments Inc., and by Crown Land, south 42 ° 15' 53" west 845.738 metres, to a point;

Then running by land of Lakeside Investments Inc., along a curve of radius 105 metres, to a point being distant 148.468 metres, as measured on a bearing of south 87 ° 16' 27" west from the last mentioned point;

Then continuing by land of Lakeside Investments Inc., north 44 ° 25' 18" west 204.77 metres, to a point;

Then running along a curve of radius 75 metres, to a point being distant 94.18 metres, as measured on a bearing of north 83 ° 18' 27" west from the last mentioned point;

Then running by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, along a curve of radius 719.44 metres, to a point being distant 67.7 metres, as measured on a bearing of north 53 ° 11' 10" east from the last mentioned point;

Then running by land of Lakeside Investments Inc., along a curve of radius 105 metres, to a point being distant 68.014 metres, as measured on a bearing of south 63 ° 18' 43" east from the last mentioned point;

Then continuing by land of Lakeside Investments Inc., south 44 ° 24' 52" east 203.447 metres, to a point, and along a curve of radius 75 metres, to a point being distant 105.755 metres, as measured on a bearing of north 87 ° 06' 56" east from the last mentioned point;

Then continuing by land of Lakeside Investments Inc., north 42 ° 15' 53" east 877.638 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning containing an area of 3.859 hectare, more or less;

All bearings refer to 3 ° Grid North NAD 1983 as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58 ° 30' west longitude.

3.   Marine Institute property

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being on the west side of Holyrood Harbour, in the Town of Holyrood, in the electoral district of Harbour Main, Whitbourne, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, being bounded and abutted as follows:

Beginning at a point having coordinates of north 5,250,063.399 metres, and east 294,483.828 metres;

Then extending along a 10 metre wide reservation along the waters of Holyrood Harbour , south 74 ° 55' 33"east, 7.65 metres;

Then extending along Crown Lands south 34 ° 12' 40" east, 40.462 metres;

Then extending 92.826 metres along the arc of a curve having a radius of 147.531 metres and a chord bearing and distance of south 12 ° 40' 30" east, 91.413 metres;

Then south 2 ° 01' 09" east, 50.749 metres;

Then north 68 ° 40' 34" west, 5.388 metres;

Then north 2 ° 01' 09" west, 49.368 metres;

Then 89.680 metres along the arc of a curve having a radius of 142.531 metres and a chord bearing and distance of north 12 ° 41' 43" west, 88.207 metres;

Then north 34 ° 12' 40" west, 45.957 metres, to the principal point of beginning.

The above described parcel contains in all an area of 766.74 square metres, and is more particularly shown on the attached plan (attached to the surveyor's documents) reserving out of the above described parcel an access road 5 metres wide crossing the lands.

The above described piece or parcel of land being subject to a sewer line casement 3 metres wide.

All bearings being referred to Grid North NAD 83.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcels of land:

1.   Rogers property

All that piece or parcel of land lying northwest of Tipping Drive, in the Electoral District of Humber East, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, being further bounded and described as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a point, that point being found by running from monument no. 87G2382, north 38° 31' 29"east 256.31 metres, and south 58 ° 18' 20" east 20.10 metres;

Running then from the above described point of beginning by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, south 58 ° 18' 20" east 7.15 metres;

Then running by the westerly limit of Tipping Drive, north 36° 18' 12" east 61.24 metres;

Then running by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, north 58 ° 18' 20" west 9.59 metres;

Then running by land granted by the Crown to Percy George Tipping and registered under Volume 108 and Folio 472 in the Registry of Crown Grants, now David Rogers, south 34 ° 01' 23" west 61.09 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

Containing an area of 511 square metres, more or less;

All bearings refer to 3° Grid North, NAD 1983, as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58 ° 30' west longitude.

2.   Aliant property

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being located on the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, in the City of Corner Brook, in the Electoral District of Humber East, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, being further bounded and described as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a point on the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, that point being the most northerly corner of the described lot and having co-ordinates of north 5,424,058.189 and east 349,500.860;

Running then from, the above described point of beginning by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, south 45° 34' 43" east 9.966 metres; and

Then running south 44° 13' 32" west 6.018 metres; and

Then running north 45° 21' 20" west 9.975 metres; and

Then running north 44° 18' 07" east 5.979 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

Containing an area of 60.0 square metres, more or less;

All bearings refer to 3° Grid North, NAD 1983, as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58° 30' west longitude.

The area described in this Schedule is increased by adding the following parcels of land:

1.   CNR rail bed property

All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situated at St. John's, Electoral District of Kilbride, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, shown as Parcel 2005-2 on Public Works and Government Services Canada Plan S-5140, dated September 19, 2005, that plan being signed by Clifton G. Hawco, Newfoundland and Labrador Land Surveyor and the Parcel 2005-2 being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a survey marker situated on a southwesterly limit of lands now or formerly of H. M. in right of Canada and on a northwesterly limit of Hillview Drive West as shown on the above mentioned plan, the survey marker having Grid Coordinate values of north 5,266,269.571 metres and east 324,892.020 metres;

Then south 39° 22' 50" west a distance of 184.090 metres to a survey marker;

Then north 53° 43' 28" west a distance of 12.188 metres to a survey marker;

Then north 39° 22' 50" east a distance of 184.770 mares to a survey marker;

Then south 50° 29' 44" east a distance of 12.171 metres to the place of beginning.

Subject to

The above described Parcel 2005-2 being subject to an unregistered pole line easement as shown on the above mentioned plan, the unregistered pole line easement being shown as Parcel 2005-2E and being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a survey marker situated on a southwesterly limit of lands now or formerly of H. M. in right of Canada and on a northwesterly limit of Hillview Drive West as shown on the above mentioned plan, that survey marker having Grid Coordinate values of north 5,266,269.571 metres and east 324,892.020 metres;

Then south 39° 22' 50" west a distance of 179.658 metres to a point;

Then north 58° 28' 12" west a distance of 12.286 metres to a point;

Then north 39° 22' 50" east a distance of 6.027 metres to a point;

Then south 58° 28' 12" east a distance of 8.274 metres to a point;

Then north 39° 31' 35" east a distance of 174.188 metres to a point;

Then south 50° 29' 44" east a distance of 3.531 metres to the place of beginning.

The above described Parcel 2005-2 contains an area of 0.224 hectares, more or less, including Parcel 2005-2E as described above.

All azimuths are grid, referenced to the Newfoundland and Labrador 3° MTM Projection, NAD 83 values, Central Meridian 53° west longitude.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcels of land:

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Grand Falls-Windsor, in the Provincial District of Grand Falls - Buchans, abutted and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point which measures 334.123 metres on a bearing of north 20 ° 40' 58" west from Control Station 95G5158;

Then along property of Raymond Saunders, No. 36 Cromer Avenue, south 65 ° 6' 3" west 26.686 metres;

Then along property of J.D. Irving Limited from the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor north 24 ° 49' 13" west for 21.995 metres;

Then along property of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Parks and Natural Areas Division, north 65 ° 6' 3" east for 27.126 metres;

Then along the southwesterly limit of Cromer Avenue south 23 ° 40' 29" east for 22.000 metres to point of beginning.

Containing an area of 592 square metres.

All bearings referred to grid north, Zone 2 - NAD83.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcels of land:

1.   Day Property - Parcel 1 - Boom Siding

All that piece or parcel of land lying south of Deer Lake and north of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway, at Boom Siding, in the Electoral District of Humber East, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , being further bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point having co-ordinates of north 5,429,783.180 and east 365,319.744;

Then running from the above described point of beginning by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway, north 0 ° 42 42" west 6.905 metres;

Then running by land granted by the Crown to Albert Day and registered under Vol. 118 - Fol.10 in the Registry of Crown Grants, north 85 ° 1718" east 27.246 metres;

Then running by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway, south 0 ° 42 42" east 7.145 metres, and south 85 ° 47 24" west 27.230 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

Containing an area of 191 square metres, more or less;

Subject to a portion of utility easement 7.4 metres wide which extends unto the lot over its southerly boundary.

2.   Town of Mount Moriah Property - Parcel 2 - Mount Moriah

All that piece or parcel of land being a portion of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway, in the Town of Mount Moriah, in the Electoral District of Bay of Islands , in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , being further bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being found by running from monument no. 94G5032, south 61 ° 45 33" west 708.66 metres;

Then running from the above described point of beginning by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway, south 72 ° 46 43" east 33.641 metres;

Then running south 8 ° 00 23" west 6.234 metres, to a point;

Then continuing by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway, along a curve of radius 316.774 metres, in a counter clockwise direction, to a point being distant 79.761 metres, as measured on a bearing of south 71 ° 54 58" west from the last mentioned point;

Then continuing by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway, north 10 ° 41 16" east 27.773 metres;

Then running by land granted by the Crown to Samuel Pauley and registered under Volume 69 and Folio 176 in the Registry of Crown Grants, north 68 ° 42 14" east 14.997 metres;

Then running by land granted by the Crown to Peter OQuinn and registered under Volume 78 and Folio 7 in the Registry of Crown Grants, north 72 ° 13 21" east 26.709 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

Containing an area of 0.148 hectare, more or less;

Subject to a utility easement, 5.4 metres wide, which crosses the subject lot;

All bearings refer to 3 ° grid north NAD 1983 as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland with the Central Meridian at 58 ° 30 west longitude;

3.   Taylor Property - Parcel 3 - Ocean Pond

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being on the southern side of the Ocean Pond Road , in the town of Ocean Pond , in the Provincial Electoral District of Harbour Main/Whitbourne, in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador , Canada , abutted and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being an iron bar set at the northeastern corner of the land and having grid co-ordinates of north 5,253,959.794 and east 272,967.986;

Then running along land of the TRailway Provincial Park south 7 ° 58 4" west, a distance of 26.839 metres;

Then running along land granted to Jeanette Taylor and registered in the Crown Registry in V-184 F-43 and by land of Jeanette Taylor registered in the Provincial Registry of Deeds on Roll 73 Frame 2323, south 66 ° 19 04" west, a distance of 27.080 metres

Then running along land of the TRailway Provincial Park north 21 ° 45 56" west, a distance of 22.860 metres;

Then north 66 ° 19 04" east, a distance of 40.399 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning.

Containing an area of 770.8 square metres, more or less, and being more particularly described and delineated on the drawing annexed here.

All bearings are referred to the meridian 53 ° west longitude of the Modified 3 ° Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland with NAD 83 reference datum.

4.   Nightingale Property - Parcel 4 - Three Island Pond Road

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being near the eastern side of Three Island Pond Road, having varying widths, at Paradise, in the electoral district of Topsail, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada and being abutted and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being 513.953 metres as measured on a bearing of south 83 ° 37 25" east from Crown Land Monument No. 96G 6156;

Then running along by land registered to James and Jessie Roberts in roll 1462 frame 397 of the Registry of Deeds in Newfoundland and Labrador north 56 ° 12 26" east, 3.986 metres;

Then running along by TRailway Provincial Park south 44 ° 16 13" east, 18.438 metres;

Then running south 56 ° 23 12" west, 4.002 metres;

Then running along by a Crown Grant issued to George Phillips registered in volume 108 folio 402 of the Crown Land Registry in Newfoundland and Labrador north 44 ° 01 04" west, 3.048 metres;

Then running north 44 ° 16 05" west, 15.375 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning.

Subject to, nevertheless, a drainage easement as shown on the adjoining plan;

Containing an area of 72 square metres, more or less, and being more particularly shown delineated on the diagram annexed here;

All bearings being referred to NAD 83 and to the meridian of 53 ° west longitude of the Modified 3 ° Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland .

5.    Jeans Garage Limited Property - Parcel 5 - Channel Port aux Basques

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Channel-Port aux Basques, District of Burgeo and La Poile, Newfoundland and Labrador , Canada and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being north 1 ° 28 58" west a distance of 1995.125 metres from Control Monument number 82G2337;

Then by land granted to Joseph Jeans, Vol. 163 Fol. 55, north 14 ° 53 40" west a distance of 65.281 metres;

Then by the sideline of Grand Bay West Road , 30 metres wide, south 30 ° 27 00" west a distance of 31.746 metres;

Then by the sideline of Bar Haven Drive south 42 ° 37 06" east a distance of 48.541 metres to the point of beginning;

The above described parcel of land contains an area of 737.1 square metres and is more particularly delineated on the diagram annexed here;

All bearings refer to the meridian of 58 ° 30 west longitude of the 3 ° Transverse Mercator Projection NAD 83.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

McKenzie Management Subdivision - Parcel D - Holyrood

All that piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being west of the Conception Bay Highway, in the Town of Holyrood, in the Electoral District of Harbour Main, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada and being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being a capped iron bar set in the northern boundary of land of Donald Gough , 258-260 Conception Bay Highway , Deed of Assent-registration #22077 having reference from Provincial Control Survey Marker No. 87G4232, that marker having coordinates of north 5 251 497.552 metres and east 295 971.579 metres of the modified 3 ° transverse Mercator projection, Zone 1, NAD 83, for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada as follows:

North 45 ° 04' 26" west a distance of 408.772 metres to the principal point of beginning;

Then running by land of Holyrood Development Corporation, Registration #167991, north 04 ° 38' 17" west a distance of 44.704 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by land of Holyrood Development Corporation, Registration #167991, following the arc of a curve, clockwise having a chord bearing north 08 ° 50' 36" east a chord distance of 175.055 metres, a radius of 375.000 metres, an arc length of 176.685 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by land of Holyrood Development Corporation, Registration #167991, north 22 ° 20' 28" east and a chord distance of 157.465 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running following the arc of a curve counter-clockwise, having a chord bearing of north 11 ° 44' 43" east with a chord distance of 166.729 metres, a radius of 741.370 metres, an arc length of 167.081 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, south 14 ° 03' 29" east a distance of 42.753 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by land of Holyrood Development Corporation, Registration #167991, following the arc of a curve, clockwise having a chord bearing of south 13 ° 17' 40" west a chord distance of 130.550 metres, a radius of 756.610 metres, an arc length of 130.713 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by land of Holyrood Development Corporation, Registration #167991 and by land of Parcel A, south 22 ° 20' 28" west a distance of 158.012 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by land of Parcel A, following the arc of a curve, counter-clockwise, having a chord bearing of south 08 ° 50' 36" west for a chord distance of 167.943 metres, a radius of 359.760 metres and an arc length of 169.506 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running south 04 ° 38' 17" east a distance of 35.456 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by land of Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, south 54 ° 06' 26" west and 17.827 metres to a capped iron bar at the principal point of beginning.

The above described piece or parcel of land contains an area of 0.7915 hectares, more or less, the same being more particularly described on the drawing.

All bearings refer to grid north, NAD 83.

The area described in this Schedule is increased by adding the following parcels of land:

1.  McKenzie Management Subdivision - Parcel B - Holyrood

All that piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being west of the Conception Bay Highway, in the Town of Holyrood, in the Electoral District of Harbour Main, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada and being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being a capped iron bar set in the western boundary of Parcel A1 having coordinates of north 5 251 779.186 metres and east 295 698.022 metres of the modified 3 ° transverse Mercator projection, Zone 1, NAD 83, for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada as follows:

Then running by the eastern limits of a Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, north 04 ° 38' 17" west a distance of 17.547 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by Parcel A, north 54 ° 06' 26" east a distance of 13.522 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running following an arc of a curve, counterclockwise, having chord bearing north 33 ° 49' 22" east a distance of 6.934 metres, a radius of 10.000 metres, an arc length of 7.081 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by land of Parcel A, north 13 ° 32' 18" east a distance of 207.234 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by land of Parcel C , south 69 ° 22' 30" east a distance of 15.115 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by land of Parcel A1 , south 13 ° 32' 18" west a distance of 205.369 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running following the arc of a curve, clockwise, having a chord bearing south 33 ° 49' 22" west a distance of 17.334 metres, a radius of 25.000 metres, an arc length of 17.702 metres, to a capped iron bar;

Then running south 54 ° 06' 26" west a distance of 22.626 metres to a capped iron bar at the principal point of beginning.

The above described piece and parcel of land contains an area of 0.3552 hectares, more or less, the same being more particularly described on the drawing.

All bearings refer to grid north, NAD 83.

2.  McKenzie Management Subdivision - Parcel C - Holyrood

All that piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being west of Conception Bay Highway, in the Town of Holyrood, in the Electoral District of Harbour Main, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador Canada and being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being a capped iron bar set in the northern boundary Parcel B having reference from Provincial Control Survey Marker No. 87G4232, that marker having coordinates of north 5 251 497.552 metres and east 295 971.579 metres of the modified 3 ° transverse Mercator projection, Zone 1, NAD 83, for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada as follows:

North 21 ° 12' 31" west a distance of 545.940 metres to the principal point of beginning.

Then running by land of Parcel B , north 69" 22' 30" west a distance of 15.115 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by land of Holyrood Development Corporation, Registration #167991, north 13 ° 32' 18" east a distance of 233.934 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by land of Holyrood Development Corporation, Registration #167991, following the arc of a curve, counter-clockwise, having a chord bearing north 00 ° 15' 36" west a chord distance of 11.925 metres, a radius of 25.000 metres, an arc length of 12.041 metres, to a capped iron bar;

Then running north 14 ° 03' 31" west and 20.584 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, following the arc of a curve, counter-clockwise, having a chord bearing north 06 ° 44' 45" east a chord distance of 42.232 metres, a radius of 756.610 metres, an arc length of 42.238 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running by land of Holyrood Development Corporation, Registration #167991, south 14 ° 03' 31" east a distance of 60.063 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running following the arc of a curve, clockwise, having a chord bearing of south 00 ° 15' 36" east a chord distance of 19.081 metres, a radius of 40.00 metres, an arc length of 19.266 metres to a capped iron bar;

Then running south 13 ° 32' 18" west and 235.799 metres to a capped iron bar at the principal point of beginning.

The above described piece or parcel of land contains an area of 0.4354 hectares, more or less, the same being more particularly described on the drawing.

All bearings refer to grid north, NAD 83.

The land is subject to a right-of-way, 15 metres wide, as indicated on the plan.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

Parcel 1 - Spruce Brook - Humber West

All that piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Spruce Brook, in the Electoral District of Humber West, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, abutted and bounded as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a point, that point is found by running south 43 ° 34' 58" west from Control Monument No. 98G9206 distance 1,863.659 metres;

Then running by land granted to Charles E. Dodd, Vol. 64 Fol. 165, south 38 ° 45' 36" west distance 52.456 metres;

Then by property of T'Railway north 48 ° 27' 05" west distance of 15.007 metres;

Then by property of T'Railway north 39 ° 38' 59" east distance 52.914 metres;

Then by property of T'Railway south 46 ° 28' 19" east distance 14.216 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning.

Containing an area of 768 square metres, more or less;

All bearing being referred to Grid North, Nad 83.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being south of Fowlers Road in the Town of Conception Bay South in the Electoral District of Conception Bay South, abutted and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point along Fowlers Road, that point having NAD 83 grid coordinates of north 5,265,212.946 metres and east 309,673.465 metres;

Then running by land of the T'Railway Provincial Park, south 16 ° 50' 00" west, 26.467 metres, south 18 ° 39' 00" west, 19.248 metres, north 64 ° 12' 57" west, 9.000 metres;

Then turning and running by land of Fredrick Norman , north 17 ° 52' 39" east, 46.806 metres;

Then turning and running along Fowlers Road, south 57 ° 5' 00" east, 9.000 metres;

More or less to the point of beginning and containing an area of 0.0415 hectares.

All bearings refer to the meridian of 53 ° west longitude of the modified Transverse Mercator Projection.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcels of land:

1. Parcel 1: Colliers Drive at Gallants, Humber West

All that piece or parcel of land lying northeast of Colliers Drive at Gallants, in the Electoral District of Humber West, being further bounded and described as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a survey marker on the northeast limit of Colliers Drive, that point being the southerly angle of this described parcel of land, that angle having coordinates of north 5,396,049.067 and east 324,325.394;

Running then from that point of beginning by the northwest limit of the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, north 39 ° 58'04" east 33.497 metres to a survey marker;

Then running by the southwest limit of the reserve 10 metres wide along 7A Brook, north 47 ° 45'13" west 10.386 metres to a survey marker;

Then running by land formerly owned by Adam Goodfellow under L S 14A, now Ralph Collier, south 39 ° 48'01" west 29.558 metres to a survey marker;

Then running by the northeast limit of Colliers Drive, south 27 ° 06'36" east 11.174 metres more or less to the point of beginning.

Containing an area of 326 square metres more or less.

Subject to a utility easement 2.7 metres wide which crosses the lot.

All bearings refer to 3 ° Grid North, NAD 1983 as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the central meridian at 58 ° 30' west longitude.

2. Parcel 2: Tipping Drive at Eastern Brook, Humber Valley

All that piece or parcel of land lying northwest of Tipping Drive and southeast of Deer Lake, at Eastern Brook, in the Electoral District of Humber Valley, being further bounded and described as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a point, that point being the northerly angle of this described parcel of land and having coordinates of north 5,434,634.182 and east 372,335.151;

Running then from the above described point of beginning by land granted by the Crown to Percy George Tipping and registered under Vol. 108 and Fol. 472, south 25 ° 46'05" west 61.652 metres;

Then running by the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, south 74 ° 34'32" east 9.186 metres to a point on the northwest limit of Tipping Drive, then running by the northwest limit of Tipping Drive, in a generally clockwise direction, along a curve of radius 660.74 metres, to a point being distant 60.887 metres, as measured on a bearing of north 26 ° 47'15" east from the last mentioned point;

Then running by the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, north 69 ° 10'14" west 10.157 metres, more or less to the point of beginning.

Containing in all an area of 558 square metres, more or less.

Subject to a utility easement which extends into the lot.

All bearings refer to 3 ° Grid North, NAD 1983 as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58 ° 30' west longitude.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

Musgrave Drive at Steady Brook, Humber East

All that piece or parcel of land lying northwest of Musgrave Drive, in the Town of Steady Brook, in the Electoral District of Humber East, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, being further bounded and described as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a survey marker, the said survey marker being the westerly angle of the herein described parcel of land, the said angle have co-ordinates of north 5,423,877.130 and east 353,818.946;

Running then from the above described point of beginning by land of Bernard Grant, north 65° 56' 14" east 20.040 metres to a survey marker;

Then running by land of the Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway Provincial Park, south 23° 59' 46" east 8.000 metres to a survey marker;

Then continuing by land of the Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway Provincial Park, south 65° 56' 14" west 21.521 metres to a survey marker;

Then continuing by land of the Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway Provincial Park, north 13°30'46" west 8.138 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

Containing an area of 166 square metres, more or less;

All bearings refer to 3° Grid North, NAD 1983 as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58 ° 30' west longitude.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

Fowlers Road at Conception Bay South, Topsail

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being northeast of Fowlers Road , in the Town of Conception Bay South , in the Provincial Electoral district of Topsail, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , Canada , bounded and abutted as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point having M.T.M grid coordinates C.M. 53° NAD 83 of north 5,265,219.785 and east 309,699.786;

Then running north 66° 24' 00" west a distance of 4.248 metres by land occupied by Stephen ONeill, 121 Fowlers Road, to a point;

Then turning and running north 24° 21' 00" east, a distance of 7.139 metres by the Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway Provincial Park, 30.48 metres wide, to a point;

Then turning and running north 57° 31' 35" east a distance of 3.775 metres by the Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway Provincial Park, 30.48 metres wide, to a point;

Then turning and running north 73° 14' 01" east, a distance of 5.983 metres by the Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway Provincial Park, 30.48 metres wide, to a point;

Then turning and running south 33° 40' 00" west, a distance of 14.367 metres by land occupied by Stephen ONeill, 121 Fowlers Road, to the point of beginning.

Containing in all an area of 0.0057 hectares.

All bearings are referred to the meridian of 53° west longitude of the 3° Modified Transverse Mercator Projection, Zone 1, NAD83 for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Grand Falls-Windsor, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , in the Provincial Electoral District of Grand Falls- Windsor-Green Bay South, abutted and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point which measures 167.767 meters on a bearing of north 82 ° 17' 34" west from Control Station 95G5144;

Then along Crown Land and property of Thomas Tremblett, No.2 Lincoln Road, north 57 ° 15' 48" west for 68.718 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 184.099 meters, property of Thomas Tremblett, No.2 Lincoln Road, crossing Lincoln Road and along property of Ultramar Ltd or assigns, to a point which bears north 73 ° 35' 42" west for a straight line distance of 103.536 meters;

Then along property of Ultramar Ltd. or assigns and along Crown Land , north 89 ° 55' 35" west for 126.364 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 1780.513 meters, Crown Land , to a point which bears south 89 ° 06' 59" west for a straight line distance of 59.482 meters;

Then along Crown Land , south 88 ° 09' 34" west for 59.839 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 520.070 meters, Crown Land , to a point which bears south 74 ° 42' 59" west for a straight line distance of 241.808 meters;

Then along Crown Land and crossing Mill Access Road, 20 meters wide, south 61 ° 16' 24" west for 136.664 meters;

Then along Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, north 23 ° 49' 22" west for 30.592 meters;

Then running in the vicinity of Main Street West, north 61 ° 16' 24" east for 134.049 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 550.550 meters and being in the vicinity of Main Street West, to a point which bears north 74 ° 42' 59" east for a straight line distance of 255.980 meters;

Then running in the vicinity of Main Street West, north 88 ° 09' 34" east for 59.839 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 1810.993 meters and being in the vicinity of Main Street West, to a point which bears north 89 ° 06' 59" east for a straight line distance of 60.501 meters;

Then running in the vicinity of Main Street West , south 89 ° 55' 35" east for 126.364 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 214.579 meters and being in the vicinity of Main Street West, to a point which bears south  73 ° 35' 42" east for a straight line distance of 120.678 meters;

Then running in the vicinity of Main Street West , south 57 ° 15' 48" east for 78.679 meters;

Then running along property of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, south 29 ° 54' 07" west for 15.898 meters;

Then running along property of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, south 69 ° 05' 33" west for 18.130 meters to point of beginning.

Containing in all 2.507 hectares.

All bearings are referred to Grid North, Zone 2-NAD83-56 ° CM.

The area described in this Schedule is increased by adding the following parcel of land:

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Grand Falls-Windsor, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , in the Provincial Electoral District of Grand Falls-Windsor-Green Bay South, abutted and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point which measures 157.712 meters on a bearing of north 84 ° 00' 39" west from Control Station 95G5144:

Then along Crown Land , south 69 ° 05' 33" west for 6.625 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a counter clockwise direction, having a radius of 19.628 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears south 46 ° 06' 42" west for a straight line distance of 15.326 meters;

Then along Crown Land , south 23 ° 07' 47" west for 79.779 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a clockwise direction, having a radius of 25.296 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears south 53 ° 06' 57" west for a straight line distance of 25.286 meters;

Then along Crown Land , south 83 ° 06' 07" west for 26.463 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a clockwise direction, having a radius of 126.440 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears south 87 ° 47' 25" west for a straight line distance of 20.668 meters;

Then along Crown Land, crossing Lincoln Road, 20 meters wide, and along Crown Land, north 87 ° 31' 18" west for 100.154 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a counter clockwise direction, having a radius of 90.629 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears south 86 ° 28' 39" west for a straight line distance of 18.950 meters;

Then along Crown Land , south 80 ° 28' 36" west for 53.700 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a counter clockwise direction, having a radius of 158.245 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears south 73 ° 28' 14" west for a straight line distance of 38.603 meters;

Then along Crown Land , south 66 ° 27' 52" west for 17.639 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a clockwise direction, having a radius of 59.078 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears south 76 ° 50' 51" west for a straight line distance of 21.295 meters;

Then along Crown Land , south 87 ° 13' 49" west for 57.916 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a clockwise direction, having a radius of 35.980 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears north 71 ° 54' 12" west for a straight line distance of 25.632 meters;

Then along Crown Land , north 51 ° 02' 14" west for 29.000 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a counter clockwise direction, having a radius of 119.814 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears north 64 ° 36' 17" west for a straight line distance of 56.214 meters;

Then along Crown Land , north 78 ° 10' 20" west for 49.544 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a clockwise direction, having a radius of 86.762 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears north 73 ° 18' 30" west for a straight line distance 14.713 meters;

Then along Crown Land , north 68 ° 26' 40" west for 21.611 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a counter clockwise direction, having a radius of 169.645 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears north 71 ° 43' 52" west for a straight line distance of 19.451 meters;

Then along Crown Land , north 75 ° 01' 03" west for 50.472 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a counter clockwise direction, having a radius of 54.185 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears north 89 ° 21' 19" west for a straight line distance of 26.837 meters;

Then along Crown Land, crossing Mill Access Road, 20 meters wide, and along Crown Land, south 76 ° 18' 24" west for 82.171 meters;

Then along property of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, north 61 ° 16' 24" east for 9.607 meters;

Then along property of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, north 23 ° 49' 22" west for 6.611 meters;

Then crossing Mill Access Road, 20 meters wide, and along Crown Land, north 76 ° 18' 24" east for 74.056 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a clockwise direction, having a radius of 63.185 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears south 89 ° 21' 20" east for a straight line distance of 31.294 meters;

Then along Crown Land , south 75 ° 01' 03" east for 50.472 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a clockwise direction, having a radius of 178.645 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears south 71 ° 43' 52" east for a straight line distance of 20.483 meters;

Then along Crown Land , south 68 ° 26' 40" east for 21.611 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a counter clockwise direction, having a radius of 77.762 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears south 73 ° 18' 30" east for a straight line distance of 13.187 meters;

Then along Crown Land , south 78 ° 10' 20" east for 49.545 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a clockwise direction, having a radius of 128.814 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears south 64 ° 36' 16" east for a straight line distance of 60.436 meters;

Then along Crown Land , south 51 ° 02' 14" east for 29.000 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a counter clockwise direction, having a radius of 26.980 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears south 7 1 ° 54' 12" east for a straight line distance of 19.220 meters;

Then along Crown Land , north 87 ° 13' 49" east for 57.916 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a counter clockwise direction, having a radius of 50.078 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears north 76 ° 50' 51" east for a straight line distance of 18.050 meters;

Then along Crown Land , north 66 ° 27' 52" east for 17.639 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a clockwise direction, having a radius of 167.245 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears north 73 ° 28' 14" east for a straight line distance of 40.799 meters;

Then along Crown Land , north 80 ° 28' 36" east for 53.700 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a clockwise direction, having a radius of 99.629 meters, Crown Land , to a point which bears north 86 ° 28' 39" east for a straight line distance of 20.831 meters;

Then along Crown Land, crossing Lincoln Road, 20 meters wide, and along Crown Land, south 87 ° 31' 18" east for 100.154 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a counter clockwise direction, having a radius of 117.440 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears north 87 ° 47' 25" east for a straight line distance of 19.197 meters;

Then along Crown Land , north 83 ° 06' 07" east for 26.463 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a counter clockwise direction, having a radius of 16.296 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears north 53 ° 06' 57" east for a straight line distance of 16.289 meters;

Then along Crown Land , north 23 ° 07' 47" east for 79.779 meters;

Then along the arc of a curve, in a clockwise direction, having a radius of 28.628 meters, Crown Land, to a point which bears north 46 ° 06' 40" east for a straight line distance of 22.354 meters;

Then along Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, south 57 ° 15' 48" east for 11.175 meters to point of beginning.

Reserving nevertheless out of the above described parcel of land a portion of Lincoln Road , 20 meters wide, and a portion of Mill Access Road, 20 meters wide, as shown on the plan on file with the minister.

Containing in all 0.728 hectares:

Note: the above described parcel of land being subject to a utility easement as shown on the plan on file with the minister.

All bearings are referred to Grid North, Zone 2-NAD83- 56 ° CM .

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being on the south side of Forest Avenue , in the City of Mount Pearl, in the Provincial Electoral District of Mount Pearl North, abutted and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point, in the southern limit of Forest Avenue , the said point being distant 142.857 metres from Control Monument No. 8OG2170 on a bearing of south 16 ° 41' 30" west with a reference bearing of south 77 ° 17' 30" east from Control Monument No. 8OG2171 to Control Monument No. 8OG2170;

Then running by the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park south 15 ° 56' 04" east 7.816 metres;

Then running by the northern limits of the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park south 80 ° 17' 33" west 50.185 metres;

Then running along the eastern limits of Forest Avenue north 03 ° 29' 52" east 5.215 metres;

Then running along the southeastern limits of Forest Avenue along the arc of a curve having a chord bearing and distance of north 26 ° 43' 58" east 3.348 metres and a radius of 21.133 metres;

Then running by land of Wayne Piccott north 80 ° 17' 33" eat 46.158 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning.

The above described parcel of land containing, in all, an area of 377.9 square metres, more or less.

All bearing and co-ordinates being referred to the meridian of 53 ° west longitude of the 3 ° Transverse Mercator Projection, North American Datum 1983.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being northwest of Tipping Drive , in the Town of Pasadena , in the Provincial Electoral District of Humber East, abutted and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a survey marker on the northwest limit of Tipping Drive, the said point being the easterly angle of the described parcel of land and having co-ordinates of north 5,434,374.098 and east 372,250.498;

Then running from the above described point of beginning by the northwest limit of Tipping Drive, south 16 ° 00' 31" west for 122.133 metres, to a survey marker;

Then running by the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, north 50 ° 52' 12" west for 4.421 metres, to a survey marker;

Then running by land granted by the Crown to W. A. Dawe, now Douglas Lavallee, and registered in Volume 113 - Folio 89 in the Registry of Crown Titles, north 16 ° 15' 18" east for 121.910 metres, to a survey marker;

Then running by the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, south 50 ° 52' 12" east for 3.851 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning.

The above described parcel of land containing, in all, an area of 465 square metres more or less.

All bearings refer to 3 ° Grid North, North American Datum 1983, as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58 ° 30' west longitude.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

All that piece or parcel of land lying north of St. Aidens Road, in the City of Corner Brook, in the Electoral District of Humber West, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, being further bounded and described as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a survey marker on the northerly limit of St. Aidens Road, the said survey marker being the westerly angle of the herein described parcel of land, the said angle having co-ordinates of north 5,424,487.027 and east 343,088.167;

Running then from the above described point of beginning by land occupied by John Staples, south 87 ° 29' 34" east 23.808 metres to a survey marker;

Then continuing by land occupied by John Staples, south 85 ° 07' 15" east 44.187 metres to a survey marker;

Then continuing by land occupied by John Staples, south 87 ° 19' 43" east 44.377 metres to a survey marker;

Then continuing by land occupied by John Staples, north 89 ° 15' 41" east 1.571 metres to a survey marker;

Then running by Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, south 17 ° 51' 29" west 3.146 metres to a survey marker;

Then continuing by Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, north 85 ° 00' 39" west 113.176 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

Containing an area of 153 square metres, more or less.

All bearings refer to 3 ° Grid North, NAD 1983, as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58 ° 30' west longitude.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being on the west side of Talcville Road , in the Town of Conception Bay South , in the Electoral District of Conception Bay South, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , and being bounded and abutted as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a point on the said west side of Talcville Road, said point having coordinates of north 5,263,832.467 metres and east 307,755.340 metres of the Modified 3 ° Transverse Mercator Projection, NAD83, for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador;

Running then along the said west side of Talcville Road south 34 ° 27' 57'' east 5.841 metres;

And then south 29 ° 28' 15'' east 1.868 metres;

Then running by Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park south 65 ° 12' 09'' west 45.595 metres;

Then running by Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park north 32 ° 26' 51" west 7.688 metres;

Then running by land of Florizel Mercer and described on Roll 2624 at Frame 140 of the Registry of Deeds for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador north 65 ° 12' 09" east 45.485 metres, more or less to the point of beginning;

Containing, in all, an area of 0.0347 hectares, more or less.

All bearings being referred to the meridian of 53 ° west longitude of the 3 ° Transverse Mercator Projection, NAD83.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being in the Town of Conception Bay South , in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador , in the Electoral District of Topsail, abutted and bounded as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a point being the southeastern most corner of the herein described parcel of land and having coordinates of east 309,963.423 metres and north 5,265,076.659 metres, more or less;

Then running by the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park south 77 ° 24' 24" west for 7.322 metres, more or less;

Then running by land of Michael Nolan, registered at the Registry of Deeds in Volume 1282 Folio 410, clockwise along an arc with a chord bearing of north 11 ° 40' 31" west, a chord distance of 23.851 metres, and a radius of 164.057 metres, more or less;

Then running by the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park north 80 ° 25' 56" east for 7.298 metres, more or less;

Then running by the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park counter clockwise along an arc with a chord bearing of south 11 ° 44' 37" east, a chord distance of 23.466 metres, and a radius of 117.643 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning.

The above described piece or parcel of land containing an area of 170.849 square metres, more or less.

Reserving and excepting out of the above described piece or parcel of land, however, all those pieces or parcels of land lawfully alienated from the Crown.

All bearings and coordinates refer to the meridian of 53 ° west longitude of the 3 ° Transverse Mercator Projection, NAD 1983 CSRS.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

All that piece or parcel of land lying northwest of Musgrave Drive, in the Town of Steady Brook, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, in the Electoral District of Humber East and being bounded and abutted as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a survey marker located on the northeast limit of the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, the said survey marker being the southerly angle of the herein described parcel of land, the said angle having coordinates of north 5,423,877.992 and east 353,840.498;

Then running from the above described point of beginning by the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, north 65° 56' 14" east 9.787 metres to a survey marker on the northwest limit of Musgrave Drive;

Then running by the northwest limit of Musgrave Drive, along a curve having a radius of 23.287, metres, in a clockwise direction, to a survey marker which is distant 4.383 metres as measured on a bearing of north 51°08'57" east from the last mentioned survey marker;

Then continuing by the northwest limit of Musgrave Drive, north 56° 32' 57" east 2.194 metres, to a survey marker;

Then  running by the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park north 21° 15' 43" west 8.276 metres, to a survey marker;

Then running by crown land occupied by Jason Russell, south 59° 56' 17" west 16.676 metres to a survey marker;

Then running by land granted by the Crown to Bernard Grant and registered under Vol. 301 Fol. 36 in the Registry of Crown Grants, south  23°59'46" east 8.000 metres, more or less to the point of beginning;

Containing an area of 139 square metres more or less.

All                 bearings refer to 3° Grid North, NAD 1983 as referred to the Traverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58° 30' west longitude.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

All that piece or parcel of land lying northwest of Lakeshore Drive , 15.0 meters wide, in the Town of Pasadena , in the Electoral District of Humber Valley, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , being further bounded and described a follows:

Beginning at a survey marker, that survey marker being the westerly angle of the parcel of land described below, that angle having co-ordinates of north 5,432,190.565 and east 370,526.679;

Running then from the above described point of beginning by land granted by the Crown to Lisa Marie Tipple and registered under Vol. 308 - Fol. 17 in the Registry of Crown Titles, along a curve having a radius of 791.456 metres, in a clockwise direction, to a survey marker which is distant 97.182 metres, as measured on a bearing of north 44 ° 38 59" east from the point of beginning;

Then running by land granted by the Crown to David Tapp and registered under Vol. 206 - Fol.136 in  the Registry of Crown Titles, and by the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, south 42° 18'  00" east 13.554 metres, to a survey marker located on the northwest limit of Lakeshore Drive;

Then running by the northwest limit of Lakeshore Drive, along a curve having a radius of 601.759 metres, in a counter clockwise direction, to a survey marker which is distant 97.000 metres, as measured on a bearing of south 46° 58 '41" west from the last mentioned survey marker;

Then running by the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, north 42° 34' 41" west 9.610 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

Containing an area of 0.109 hectare, more or less.

All bearings refer to 3° Grid North (NAD 1983) as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58° 30' west longitude.

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being near the eastern side of Three Island Pond Road , in the Town of Paradise , in the Electoral District of Topsail-Paradise, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , abutted and bounded as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a point, said point being 71.510 metres as measured on a bearing of north 25° 04' 56" east and then 2.179 metres on a bearing of north 52o 44' 27" east from Crown Land Monument No. 96G6155;

Then running counterclockwise along the arc of a curve by Parcel 2 of Crown Land Application No. 141548 having an arc length of 37.612 metres and radius of 378.485 metres and a chord bearing and distance of north 36° 50' 59" west, 37.597 metres;

Then running along the Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway Provincial Park north 53° 11' 19" east, 2.443 metres;

Then running clockwise along the arc of a curve along the Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway Provincial Park having an arc length of 37.593 metres and radius of 380.925 metres and a chord bearing and distance south 36° 51' 04" east, 37.578 metres;

Then running along the Newfoundland and Labrador TRailway Provincial Park south 52° 44' 27" west, 2.444 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

Containing an area of 0.0092 hectares, more or less.

All bearings being referred to NAD83 and to the meridian of 53° west longitude of the Modified 3° Transverse Mercator Projection for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador .

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcel of land:

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at the Town of Bishop 's Falls, in the Electoral District of Exploits, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , abutted and bounded as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at survey marker located on the northeasterly limit of the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, Title No. 113478, the said point being the most easterly angle of the herein described parcel and having co-ordinates of north 5,430,347.614 metres and east 342,031.765 metres;

Then crossing the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, Title No. 113478, north 87° 05' 29" west 33.135 metres to a survey marker;

Then running counter clockwise along the arc of a curve having a radius of 124.595 metres and a length of 84.617 metres, Crown Land, to a point which bears north 86° 14' 43" west a straight line distance of 83.000 metres to a survey marker;

Then crossing the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, Title No. 113478, north 22° 18' 06" west 15.089 metres to a survey marker;

Then running clockwise along the arc of a curve having a radius of 139.595 metres and a length of 127.878 metres, Crown Land, to a point which bears south 80° 10' 11" east a straight line distance of 123.454 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

The above described land contains an area of 0.161 hectares more or less.

All bearings are being referred to the meridian of 56 west longitude of the 3° Modified Transverse Mercator Projection.  Zone 2-NAD83 for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador .

The area described in this Schedule is increased by adding the following parcel of land:

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at the Town of Bishop 's Falls, in the Electoral District of Exploits, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador , abutted and bounded as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at survey marker located on the southeasterly limit of the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, Title No. 113478, the said point being the most westerly angle of the herein described parcel and having co-ordinates of north 5,430,283.650 metres and east 341,832.359 metres;

Then running along the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, Title No. 113478, north 33° 46' 11" east 24.531 metres to a survey marker;

Then running clockwise along the arc of a curve having a radius of 124.595 metres and a length of 88.134 metres, the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, Title No. 113478, to a point which bears north 54° 02' 03" east a straight line distance of 86.308 metres to a survey marker;

Then running along Crown Land , south 22° 18' 06" east 1.355 metres to a survey marker;

Then running along Crown Land, south 87° 05' 29" east 82.414 metres to a survey marker;

Then running clockwise along the arc of a curve having a radius of 124.595 metres and a length of 59.805 metres, the Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park, Title No. 113478, to a point which bears south 53° 02' 19" east a straight line distance of 59.233 metres to a survey marker;

Then running along Crown Land, north 76° 10' 05" west 54.949 metres to a survey marker;

Then running counter clockwise along the arc of a curve having a radius of 101.615 metres and a length of 112.321 metres, along land granted by the Crown to Nfld. Pine and Pulp Limited, registered in Vol. SG2, Fol. 49, at the Registry of Crown Titles, to a point which bears south 83° 25' 00" west a straight line distance of 106.690 metres to a survey marker;

Then running along Crown Land, south 60° 19' 45" west 62.494 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

The above described land contains an area of 0.398 hectares more or less.

All bearings are being referred to the meridian of 56 west longitude of the 3° Modified Transverse Mercator Projection.  Zone 2-NAD83 for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador .

31/00 s1; 49/01 s1; 51/01 s1; 2001 c42 s45; 41/06 s1; 55/06 s1; 83/07 s1; 27/08 s1; 40/08 s1; 71/08 s1; 71/10 s1; 89/10 s1; 16/11 s1; 17/11 s1; 18/11 s1; 39/11 s1; 98/11 s1; 99/11 s1; 16/12 s1; 61/12 s1; 84/12 s1; 63/13 s1; 71/13 s1; 129/13 s1; 75/14 s11; 1/16 s1; 8/16 s1