April 9, 2001                                    SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE                          No. 6

Pursuant to Standing Order 87, Eddie Joyce, MHA for Bay of Islands, substitutes for Ross Wiseman, MHA for Trinity North.

The Committee met at 9:00 a.m. in the House of Assembly.

CHAIR (Sweeney): Order, please!

(Inaudible) a little bit late. I will ask for a motion to adopt the minutes of Thursday, April 5, 2001.

On motion, minutes adopted as circulated.

CHAIR: I will call the heads, inclusive.


CLERK: 1.1.01. to and including, or do you want to start off debate on -

CHAIR: There is no debate, is there?

MR. MANNING: Just a comment.

CHAIR: Just a comment? Okay.

MR. MANNING: To go along with the largest snowfall in history, and the largest Tory convention in history, we are going to have the quickest Estimates in history.

Call the heads.

WITNESS: (Inaudible).

CHAIR: I think you will speak to the minister privately, and anyone else has that right to do so.

On motion, subheads 1.1.01. through 3.3.02., carried.

On motion, Department of Health and Community Services, total heads, carried.

On motion, the Committee adjourned.